March 19, 2025

Second Pickleball4APurpose Tournament with AVUS Connect Benefits United HomeCare
Congratulations to Ava Weissman, Founder of Pickleball4APurpose, and their incredible team for organizing the second Pickleball Tournament, an unforgettable afternoon of fun, friendly competition, and fundraising. And what a smashing success it was!
Thanks to the generosity of sponsors and attendees, Pickleball4APurpose raised over $10,000, with $4,000 donated to United HomeCare to support their mission of providing nutritious meals to South Florida seniors facing food insecurity.
As Ms. Weissman shared, “With 100+ players and attendees, this wasn’t just a tournament, it was a day of fun, connection, and purpose. Beyond the game, we built lasting intergenerational bonds that will strengthen our community for years to come.”
A heartfelt thank you to Ava Weissman, Pickleball4APurpose, its sponsors, volunteers from the AVUS Connect Club at American Heritage High School, co-led by Bianca Maria Ceballos and Ava Weissman, Class of ’26, and all the participants for coming together to make a difference.
February 5, 2025

AVUS Tech Pals® Recruits FIU Students
Leana Martinez, a dedicated AVUS Tech Pals® volunteer, is on a mission to bridge generations through technology. By recruiting passionate volunteers from Florida International University’s American Medical Student Association Program, she helps bring the digital world to United HomeCare®’s homebound seniors.
These young volunteers do more than just provide tech support —they offer companionship, reassurance, and a vital connection to the outside world. Their efforts combat loneliness and social isolation, proving that a simple video call, text, or online interaction can brighten a senior’s day and transform their sense of belonging.
January 24, 2025

AVUS Connect® Visits Seniors at Lenox on the Lake
United HomeCare® (UHC) and its youth-led Intergenerational Senior Assurance Program, AVUS Connect®, express their pride and gratitude to Bianca Maria Ceballos, founder of the AVUS Connect® Club at American Heritage High School, Class of 2026, for organizing a cheerful holiday visit and technology coaching session with older adult residents at Lenox on the Lake in Lauderhill, Broward County.
During the event, AVUS Connect volunteers distributed donated computer tablets and assisted seniors in setting up the devices as well as downloading and working with practical applications. The hand-held devices were generously donated by United HomeCare’s AVUS Connect, as part of the program’s mission to help address loneliness and social isolation among the elderly.
November 19, 2024

AVUS Connect® and United HomeCare® Fundraise for the 2024 Miami Walk to End Alzheimers
United HomeCare® staff and AVUS Connect® volunteers participated in the 2024 Miami Walk to End Alzheimers on Saturday, November 16th at loanDepot Park where hundreds gathered to support research for treatments to help individuals affected by this dreadful brain disorder and to encourage family caregivers. Held annually in more than 600 communities nationwide, the Walk to End Alzheimer’s is the world’s largest event helping to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s Association.
United HomeCare sponsored the event and proudly serves as an Alzheimer’s Disease Initiative Program (ADI) Agency and Provider in Miami Dade and Broward counties. We shared valuable information about support resources and services that can help individuals and their family caregivers in community-based settings.
September 29, 2024

Pickleball Tournament Raises Funds for AVUS Connect®
Pickleball4APurpose, founded by American Heritage High School student Ava Weissman, hosted an Intergenerational Pickleball4APurpose Tournament benefitting AVUS Connect® on Sunday, September 29th at the Diadem Pickleball Complex in Broward County.
$2,000 was raised as older adults and youth played together. They formed 26 Intergenerational Pickleball Teams and cultivated new intergenerational friendships.
View video produced by Bianca Maria Ceballos, American Heritage H.S., AVUS Connect Club Founder and Drew Bank:
September 24, 2024

Changemaker Week Event hosted by Miami Dade College West Campus
AVUS Connect®, United HomeCare® (UHC), and TD Bank proudly presented at the Changemaker Week Event hosted by Miami Dade College West Campus on Friday, September 20th and shared vital information about Hurricane Preparedness and Online Banking Safety with older adults from the Doral Silver Club and surrounding communities.
With the help of AVUS Connect and Changemaker Volunteers, United HomeCare also distributed over 100 hurricane meal kits containing a 5-day supply of shelf stable meals —generously donated by Florida Community Care (FCC)— to the seniors in attendance. Flashlights and fans, donated by The Miami Foundation Impact Resilience Fund, were also supplied.
Over 2,600 seniors are better prepared for this year’s hurricane season, which ends in November, thanks to United HomeCare’s annual meal kit program and especially to the many community partners that have helped to get food and information into the hands of older adults living throughout Miami-Dade County.
August 13, 2024

Hurricane Meal Kits Distribution Event at Hialeah Volunteers of America Residences
A heartfelt thanks to The Miami Foundation and its Miami Disaster Resilience Fund, Volunteers of America of Florida and our hard-working AVUS Connect® volunteers for their invaluable support of the hurricane meal kits distribution event at Hialeah Residence. More than 150 residents at the 123-unit senior housing complex received three days of shelf-stable meals and enjoyed visiting with Senator René García, Commissioner, and Lauren Pardo, Deputy Chief of Staff, both of the Miami-Dade Board of County Commissioners District 13.
So far this year, we have distributed 4,494 meal kits to 1,498 seniors who are now ready in case of a storm.
July 22, 2024

Hurricane Meal Kits Distribution Event at Vivian Villas Hialeah Housing Residences
In preparation for the 2024 hurricane season, enthusiastic volunteers from BanescoUSA and United Way Miami joined United HomeCare and their AVUS Connect® and AVUS Tech Pals® Intergenerational volunteers to distribute three days of shelf-stable meals, water, and snacks to help seniors residing at Vivian Villas in Hialeah thanks to a generous donation by The Miami Foundation through their Miami Disaster Resilience Fund.
Senator René García Miami-Dade Commissioner District 13, H.O.P.E. (Helping Our People Everyday) and Hialeah Housing Authority officials were generously on hand to support our volunteers by making door-to-door deliveries to the residents.
July 11, 2024

Hurricane Meal Kits Distribution Event with FPL
Together with Florida Power & Light (FPL) and the Florida Council on Aging (FCOA), United HomeCare® and AVUS Connect® helped deliver three days of shelf-stable meals, water and snacks to older adults at Miami’s Robert King High Towers in preparation for the 2024 hurricane season.
July 2, 2024

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
United HomeCare®, AVUS Connect®, and Florida Power & Light (FPL) proudly joined the Miami-Dade County Community Action & Human Services Department (CAHSD) Older Adults & Individuals with Disabilities Services Division (OAIDSD) for the 2024 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) commemorative breakfast at the Betty Ferguson Recreational Complex in Miami Gardens.
UHC sponsored the breakfast during which 200+ older adults received Hurricane Shelf Stable Meal Kits donated by FPL. A team of volunteers from UHC, AVUS Connect, and FPL lent a hand to organize, distribute and help seniors carry the meal kit bags to their cars.
June 27, 2024

LINC Senior Day at The Town of Medley Lakeside Senior Center
It was an evening of dominoes, karaoke and great fellowship as United Way Miami and its #LINCMiami corps of volunteers aged 30 and younger joined forces with United HomeCare® and AVUS Connect® for the annual LINC Senior Day at The Town of Medley Lakeside Senior Center.
The event, presented in partnership with Nbcuniversal Telemundo Enterprises and generously sponsored by Greenberg Traurig P.A. and The José Milton Foundation, provided an opportunity to deliver Hurricane Meal Kits (with three days of shelf-stable meals, water and snacks) donated by The Miami Foundation to the Town of Medley’s older adults.
The Honorable Roberto Martell, Mayor of The Town of Medley, and several town council members were on hand for the festivities, fueled by croquetas, bocaditos and Cuban sandwiches from a Miami institution: Versailles, “The World’s Most Famous Cuban Restaurant”.
The Hurricane Meal Kit program is a community-wide effort that has already distributed these helpful packages to thousands of older residents in Miami-Dade County.
June 22, 2024

Hurricane Meal Kits Distribution Event at the Allapattah Community Action Center
Working with Florida Power & Light (FPL), United HomeCare® and AVUS Connect® helped seniors prepare for hurricane season by delivering three days of shelf-stable meals, water and snacks, as well as Hurricane Preparedness information in Spanish, for seniors at the Allapattah Community Action Center. More than 1,000 seniors in Miami-Dade County have received the kits and are now ready in case of a storm
June 13, 2024

Hurricane Meal Kits Distribution Event at the Sant La Haitian Community Center in North Miami
Working with Florida Power & Light (FPL), United HomeCare® and AVUS Connect® helped seniors prepare for hurricane season by delivering three days of shelf-stable meals, water and snacks, as well as Hurricane Preparedness information in Creole, for seniors at the Sant La Haitian Community Center in North Miami.
June 12, 2024

Hurricane Meal Kits Distribution Event at the Liberty Square Community Center
Storm season is underway – be prepared! United HomeCare® teamed up with Florida Power & Light to pack and deliver hurricane preparedness kits to more than 1,000 seniors in Miami-Dade County. The kits contain three days of shelf-stable food, water and snacks
January 29, 2024

New AVUS Connect Club at American Heritage High School in Broward
by Bianca Maria Ceballos
AVUS Connect has recently established a new club at American Heritage High School in Plantation, FL in Broward County, extending the service work initiated at AVUS Connect for United HomeCare.
This club serves as a place for more students to become familiar with AVUS Connect’s mission and ways they can contribute. The enthusiastic response from students showcases their eagerness to engage in the weekly calls offered to older adults.
The club aims to foster unity within the elderly community in Broward, providing more students with the opportunity to participate and benefit from the program. Future plans involve bringing in speakers from the home health care field and forming partnerships with older adult facilities and senior homes to bring connections to life.
The growth of AVUS Connect, facilitated by this club, allows students to comprehend the significance of intergenerational connections. By involving younger generations in this initiative, we hope to instill the importance of taking care of the elderly, fostering a sense of responsibility that will contribute to a reciprocal relationship in the future. The club not only expands the reach of AVUS Connect but also serves as an educational platform for students to understand and appreciate the value of caring for generations older than theirs.
January 14, 2024

Miami Walk to End Alzheimer’s
United HomeCare, AVUS Connect, and AVUS Tech Pals were proud sponsors of the 2023 Alzheimer’s Association’s Walk to End Alzheimer’s at Florida International University’s Riccardo Silva Football Stadium on Sunday, January 14.
Our Walk Team of staff and volunteers joined over a thousand attendees to support finding a cure for Alzheimer’s disease and helping those affected. AVUS Connect and AVUS Tech Pals volunteers included participants from Our Lady of Lourdes Academy, Barbara Goleman Senior High, Miami Dade College, and Florida International University.
Photo: AVUS Connect Walk Team from Our Lady of Lourdes High School. Group organizer: Carolina Meruelo, Class of 2025
January 4, 2024

Simply Healthcare Plans Donates to Support AVUS Tech Pals
United HomeCare and its innovative AVUS Connect and AVUS Tech Pals programs, together with a generous donation from Simply Healthcare Plans, are helping our community’s seniors rise above their isolation, break barriers and use digital handheld devices —specifically designed for older adults— to stay socially connected and be safe while doing so.
Whether it’s video calls with loved ones, virtual classes, or exploring the world through online platforms, they’re proving that the digital age knows no age limit!
The generous donation of $150,000 from Simply Healthcare Plans will empower our community’s seniors with access to free technology and training from AVUS Tech Pals.
December 10, 2023

Broward Walk to End Alzheimer’s
AVUS Connect® and AVUS Tech Pals® joined United HomeCare’s walk team for the 2023 Walk to End Alzheimer’s in Broward County on December 9th at Nova Southeastern University. The team joined almost 2,000 attendees to raise awareness for the Southeast Florida Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association and United HomeCare’s clients who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia.
Video Credit: Bianca Maria Ceballos, AVUS Connect Club Co-President, American Heritage High School.
July 21, 2023

2023 Global Intergenerational Conference
United HomeCare® is proud to announce that its nationally recognized AVUS Connect® and AVUS Tech Pals® Intergenerational Volunteer Program were selected to present at Generations United’s Global Intergenerational Conference Roundtable Discussions in Washington, D.C. on July 26-28, 2023.
Blanca Ceballos, AVUS Connect Mentor, and Shawn Martinez, freshman student at Pomona College and Founder of AVUS Connect®, will be presenting about “Busting Senior Isolation: Empowering Older Adults with Access to Technology” with a focus on South Florida volunteer experiences.
AVUS Connect® and AVUS Tech Pals® are recipients of Intergenerational Program Certification and Program of Distinction Designation from Generations United and selected by National Community Care Corps to receive a Community Care Corps grant for their excellent volunteer model.
July 6, 2023

St. Mary Towers
United HomeCare® and AVUS Connect® teamed up with Florida Power & Light to distribute 80 Hurricane Preparedness Meal Kits to seniors living at St. Mary Towers in Allapattah, FL.
The meal kits contain three days of shelf-stable and nutritious food, water, and snacks. The meal kits were made possible by Florida Power & Light and the Florida Council on Aging.
We were happy to welcome Jeanine Jolicoeur from Miami-Dade County Commissioner Keon Hardemon’s office as a special guest to help distribute the meal kits.
June 28, 2023

Miami Gardens Senior Family Center
United HomeCare®, AVUS Connect®, Florida Power & Light and the YWCA distributed Hurricane Preparedness Meal Kits to seniors at the Miami Gardens Senior Family Center.
The meal kits contained three days of shelf-stable and nutritious food, water, and snacks. The meal kits were made possible by Florida Power & Light and the Florida Council on Aging.
June 23, 2023

Storm season is here in South Florida – be prepared!
United HomeCare® and AVUS Connect® teamed up with Florida Power & Light to pack and deliver 2,460 hurricane preparedness kits to vulnerable seniors in Miami-Dade County this year. The kits contain three days of shelf-stable and nutritious food, water, and snacks.
We distributed the first hurricane preparedness kits to seniors at Patterson Senior Housing and La Esperanza Senior Housing in Hialeah, FL.
May 17, 2023

24th Annual Health Care Heroes
Congratulations to Shawn Martinez, Belen Jesuit Preparatory School Senior and AVUS Connect® Founder, for being selected as the 2023 Health Care Heroes Youth Volunteer Award Recipient presented by the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce and Baptist Health on May 17th at Jungle Island!
United HomeCare® appreciates Shawn’s accomplishments to bring South Florida students together for Intergenerational Volunteering to help senior citizens in need.
March 29, 2023

2023 William R. Simms Award for Outstanding Youth in Philanthropy
Congratulations to Shawn Martinez, founder of AVUS Connect® and Belen Jesuit High School Senior, for being recognized by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) as the recipient of the 2023 William R. Simms Award for Outstanding Youth in Philanthropy.
“United HomeCare®’s Intergenerational Volunteer Program is the great success it is because of Shawn Martinez. I am honored to have nominated Shawn and especially to be among his mentors. He is a phenomenal young man who greatly deserves every recognition for his work on behalf of older adults,” said Alina Palenzuela, Chief Marketing and Volunteer Engagement Officer, United HomeCare®.
Shawn’s community service project, AVUS Connect®, started during the COVID-19 pandemic and has grown to include AVUS Tech Pals, bridging the technology gap for older adults and family caregivers with grant funding and philanthropic support. Supporting youth in their service projects can lead to the development of meaningful initiatives that help to improve the quality of life for older adults, especially the homebound elderly experiencing loneliness and social isolation.
“Feeling grateful for the opportunity to mentor AVUS Connect® and AVUS Tech Pals® Intergenerational Youth Volunteers from various high schools and colleges. Seeing each volunteer grow in their dedication to community service and developing leadership skills is personally rewarding,” said Blanca Ceballos, Community Relations Manager, United HomeCare®.
March 28, 2023

AVUS Connect® is Recruiting!
United HomeCare®’s Volunteer Outreach Liaison, Jennifer Garcia, spent time with students at Albizu University’s Career Fair to recruit volunteers for our AVUS Tech Pals® intergenerational volunteer program. AVUS Tech Pals® volunteers will help older adults and family caregivers by providing technical support, while nurturing friendly relationships and helping them to connect to the world around them.
January 16, 2023

Honored by the YMCA of South Florida
United HomeCare’s AVUS Connect® Founder, Shawn Martinez, was honored by the YMCA of South Florida at their 19th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. luncheon celebrating Dr. King’s inspiration and legacy on January 13th at InterContinental Miami with the Dave W. Cash Youth Leadership Award in recognition of his community service and AVUS Connect®, which he founded as a service and learning project to address isolation and loneliness in older adults.
Honorees also included Yolanda Cash Jackson with Becker for the Spirit of Community Award.
Congratulations to all of the YMCA of South Florida honorees for their significant contributions to our community.
December 13, 2022

United HomeCare’s AVUS Tech Pals® Designated as a Generations United Program of Distinction
Generations United has announced twenty inter-generational programs that have been selected to receive the prestigious Intergenerational Program Certification. These programs are all creatively and effectively engaging younger and older people in activities that strengthen relationships between the generations.
We are proud to announce that AVUS Tech Pals® has been selected among the twenty programs.
September 24, 2022

American Indian Day Celebration
AVUS Connect®’s volunteers enjoyed visiting the Miccosukee Tribe of Indians during American Indian Day.
They met tribal Indian youth and The Honorable Virginia Osceola. Volunteers also learned about the history and culture of the Indian tribes.
The event showcased shows and cultural crafts, music and food. Our team went on a spectacular boat ride in the Everglades.
September 19, 2022
AVUS Connect® Founder Receives Daily Point of Light Award
Today, Daily Point of Light has awarded Shawn Martinez, Founder of United HomeCare’s AVUS Connect®, the Daily Point of Light Award for his inspiring service work.
Daily Point of Light was created by President George H.W. Bush in 1989 to celebrate ordinary Americans from all walks of life taking direct and impactful action in their communities to solve serious social problems. Shawn’s community and advocacy focus is with the older adult’s vulnerable population.
Please read his story and encourage our youth to volunteer and make a positive difference in the lives of older adults. Congratulations, Shawn!
September 8, 2022
August 23, 2022

2022 Quality Senior Living Award
Congratulations to Shawn Martinez, Founder of the United HomeCare® AVUS Connect® Senior Assurance Program. Shawn was awarded the 2022 Quality Senior Living Award for Public Service for his many accomplishments, today in Orlando, FL at the Florida Council on Aging Conference.
The Quality Senior Living Award recognizes individuals and organizations whose efforts have improved the quality of life of older Floridians. The award is sponsored by FPL and the Florida Council on Aging.
Shawn, we applaud and commend you on your well-deserved success!
July 13, 2022

Hurricane Preparedness Meal Distributions
AVUS Connect® volunteers helped pack and distribute over 7,300 Hurricane Preparedness Kits to Miami-Dade County senior residents.
June 22, 2022

Founder of AVUS Connect® Receives United Way Outstanding Youth Award
Shawn Martinez, Founder of AVUS Connect®, honored by United Way Miami at their Annual Board Meeting and Volunteer Awards luncheon on Tuesday, June 21, 2022, at Jungle Island with the Outstanding Youth Award for his volunteerism and leadership in the Miami community.
November 20, 2021

Anthony Parodi Memorial Kickball Tournament
United HomeCare’s AVUS Connect® Kickball Team came together for a great charitable cause in support of the Anthony Parodi Memorial Kickball Tournament hosted by Belen Jesuit High School. The AVUS Connect® Kickball Team did a great job defending on the field with co-ed volunteers from Belen Jesuit Preparatory High School, Doral Academy High School, and American Heritage High School volunteers on the field.