AVUS Connect® is United HomeCare®’s student-led Intergenerational Senior Assurance Program designed to address loneliness and social isolation among older adults with volunteering.
As a community service project, AVUS Connect® was founded by Shawn Martinez, a student at Belen Jesuit Preparatory School (Class of 2023). AVUS Connect® has expanded to include other students from local high schools, under the umbrella of United HomeCare®’s Volunteer Department.
United HomeCare® is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization and licensed Agency dedicated serving the South Florida community since 1973 as a provider of comprehensive home care services for homebound older adults delivered in the comfort of their home.
United HomeCare® is proud to host Youth Volunteers for Intergenerational connectivity with older adults. We hope to bridge generations and foster relationships that will help to alleviate loneliness in older adults.
Call us at (305) 716-0710 to learn more about all of our volunteer opportunities.
History of AVUS Connect
AVUS Connect® is the brainchild of Belen Jesuit student Shawn Martinez (Class of 2023) inspired by a call to action to address isolation and loneliness among older adults. “Avus” means grandfather in Latin.

Student, Pomona College
Highlighting the impact that AVUS Connect is making in the South Florida community, in 2023, AVUS Connect was recognized by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (YFP) at their Global Philanthropy Conference in New Orleans with the William R. Simms Award for Outstanding Youth in Philanthropy – Group (AVUS Connect).
Also in 2023, AVUS Tech Pals was created to expand the intergenerational volunteer platform to include college aged students and expand the program to incorporate the delivery of computer tablets and computer training by college volunteers. This innovative approach was recognized by the National Community Care Corps, which provided AVUS Tech Pals with a $180,000 grant for the development of a pilot program to be replicated nationally.
Although Shawn has moved on to college where he is a Posse Scholar attending Pomona College in Claremont, California, he still provides strategic vision and advice to the new leadership of the program and continues to advocate for intergenerational programs that address grandparents raising children and programs addressing food insecurity and social isolation for older adults in America.

To this end, Shawn presented a workshop titled: “Youth Volunteers Busting Social Isolation” at the Generations United Conference in Washington, D.C. during his freshman year at Pomona College.
AVUS Connect and AVUS Tech Pals continue to make an impact in Florida and beyond and have capitalized on the advocacy efforts that have resulted in favorable federal legislation addressing loneliness in older adults, such as the Social Engagement and Network Initiatives for Older Relief (SENIOR) Act introduced by U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL.), Tina Smith (D-MN), and Rick Scott (R-FL).

A Message from AVUS Connect®’s Co-Founder
Lucas Bogardus
Student, Belen Jesuit Preparatory School
My name is Lucas Bogardus. I have been a volunteer in the AVUS Connect® program since February 2021. I am actually one of the Co-Founders of the program; I became part of the project after my good friend Shawn Martinez brought it up to me. I thought of it as a good opportunity to finish my service hours for school. As soon as I made my first call, I realized I had become part of something much bigger and more beneficial for the community than I thought.
AVUS Connect® was a huge eye opener to me about senior isolation and depression, seniors are forgotten members of our community. Just like anyone, they need someone to talk to, in order to not feel alone. They are truly human encyclopedias with numerous amounts of stories and lessons. I never would have thought I was going to learn so many new things from simply making a call. AVUS Connect® is just as beneficial to the seniors as it is to the callers, and I truly recommend volunteering.